So nice to read you again! These changes are not that small you know, it all adds up. I am trying really hard as well to go small and change a few bits at a time because like Josie, I also have a tendency to go all in and burn out, so I definitely believe that your way of tackling it is going to make a huge difference.

Also I know how hard it is to want to share hard times and not being able to to respect the privacy of those involved. It is tough.

Do you know that Substack is now allowing you to publish a private letter where you grant access to people to read it so it is not public. Not sure if it would help, but just in case.

Thinking of you and I hope everything brightens up soon, including the weather xx

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You can join the club with Josie and I - the tiny snail's pace changes club.

I didn't know about the private letter option, I just need to find some people who are willing to read me moaning about lack of sleep - just like the old days!

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Hello my lovely. I know well the difficulty of having Big Things that you need to write about and can't. It can make you feel so stiffled. You're doing absolutely the right thing though, hunting for other things you can explore and express. And your tiny habits are HUGE! This is definitely the way to go. I have a habit of trying to fix everything at once and burning out so I'm also trying to take changes at a slower pace this year. Here cheering you on xx

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Ah thank you Josie, sometimes I just want to get it all out of my head, but writing a journal has never been my thing. Need to know that someone is listening I suppose. We shall start a club - the tiny snail's pace changes club. We may need badges :)

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